The Portrait Masters Awards 2018
I received five bronze awards from the 2018 Awards and Accreditation program for the Portrait Masters. This international awards and accreditation program is held twice a year and this is my second submission to this program. I have submitted images in January this year.
This international Awards and Accreditation is lead by a great photographer and my mentor, Sue Bryce and the standard of everyone’s work is very high.
There were 8 portrait masters from around the world judged the submitted images. They judged based on styling, composition, focus, lighting, connection, posing, post production and overall technique and presentation.
Five of my images were awarded Bronze (High Professional Standard) and I am so happy with the results.
I would like to thank you to Sola, Zelulah, Moana, Chelsea, and Rachel for giving me an opportunity to capture and I would like to thank you to Emma Christine, Rita Makhzoum, Josephine Keay, Angel Lucianna for hair and makeup.
Lastly, thank you to my Mentor, Sue Bryce.

For personal branding, business headshot, or portrait session with Sumico Photography, please call 0425 261 729 or fill in the form on our contact page.