Does your daughter lack confidence in her appearance? Do you see her taking endless selfies but is never really happy with them? Does she compare herself to other girls and feel she’s not as beautiful? Does she wish she were taller, shorter, thinner, fatter, have less freckles, higher cheekbones, thicker hair, fairer skin?

Teens Portrait by Sumico Photography
Take your teen on a transformational journey
from self-doubt to self-esteem.

It can be frustrating to see the child you love become so filled with self-doubt. She’s an intelligent young girl, but it’s sad to hear her be so hard on herself. It’s clear to you and everyone else how beautiful she is, both inside and out, but she struggles to see it. Nothing you do or say can convince her she is perfect exactly as she is; that she has real value and doesn’t have to compare herself with others.
Social media doesn’t help. She is confronted daily with images of how she ‘should’ look, what she ‘should’ wear and what she ‘should’ be doing to be popular or just fit in. She says it doesn’t affect her, but on some level you know it does. Perhaps you even remember back to a time when your own confidence took a beating. It may have been at school or when you entered the workforce, or even later in life as your body changed. You can definitely relate to what she’s going through.
Like many women, of all ages she is blind to her own self-worth. She thinks she has to look a certain way to be accepted. You can see the gorgeous young woman she is, she just struggles to see it herself. And she won’t accept what anyone tells her until she truly can see it. And once she does, magic happens, healing takes place and true transformation begins.
20 Under 20 Project was born!
I’m now looking for participants for my 20 Under 20 Project. If you know your daughter would benefit from a little more self-esteem, a boost to her confidence and to really appreciate her value, then give her this opportunity to participate in something truly transformational. And please, come and join her – not only to support and encourage her, but to do something really special together.
This is quite a unique experience where you get to dress up, be pampered, have a lot of laughs and create some precious memories. When was the last time you spent a super fun day out – just you and your daughter?
This is a very different portrait session that is not just about the photos. It is a journey of self-discovery… for both of you. Imagine sharing this time together and being there when she finally sees herself as she really is – the stunning young woman you love so much. It may be a revealing time for you as well as you also see yourself, not through your own self-doubt, but as your friends and family see you. Stunning!
Even if you decide not to participate, this will be a beautiful gift for your daughter. It will be a day you’ll long remember with photographs that your family will treasure for many years to come.

Here’s how it works
First we’ll meet for a chat as I want to know a little about you both, about your relationship, your life and what’s important to you. I may ask your daughter her thoughts on school, the world, her dreams and goals. We’ll also chat about what you’re going to wear for the shoot. You can bring your favourite outfits and I have a studio wardrobe you can choose from as well.
Next you’ll have your hair styled and makeup done by our lovely professionals. This is also a great time for your daughter to learn some hairdressing and makeup tips!
Then it’s time for our photo shoot. You’ll have some photos together and some on your own and of course hers will be the only ones featured in the 20 Under 20 Project. We’ll take some in the studio and on location as well – maybe the beach or the local park or in an upmarket café.
If you feel a little awkward at first, don’t worry, that’s normal. I’ll show you how to stand and pose in ways that are flattering. It won’t be long before you start to gain confidence and feel more comfortable and by the end you’ll both be relaxed and having a great time.
Then, you’ll head home after the photo shoot feeling on top of the world while I get to work editing your photos, picking the best ones.
You’ll come back in a few days and we’ll go through your shots together. And don’t be surprised if you get a bit teary. Most people do. Especially as a mother and daughter seeing in your photos that special love that you share.
From there, you can decide which photos you would like to buy. You’ll both love having a keepsake of this lovely time in your life.
What’s most important is how the whole process makes you ‘feel.’ It’s really hard to describe, but every person who has done a photo shoot with me has come away from it feeling happy, feeling valued and feeling more confident. It’s quite life changing.

What do you receive?
The 20 Under 20 Project package can be just for your daughter or you can join her at no extra cost and share this wonderful time together.
You will receive a wonderful package which includes:
- An initial chat where we’ll talk about you, what outfits you want to wear and which locations will work best.
- Hair and makeup on the day of the photo shoot where your daughter can learn from the professionals. You will both feel amazing!
- A fully guided professional photo shoot that will be very special and lots of fun.
- A viewing session where you will see all your beautiful photographs.
- You can then buy and own prints to remind her beautiful she is.
I will also keep in touch with you throughout the project with any information and updates and invite you to join the 20 Under 20 Project private Facebook group. This is where Mums and Daughters can connect, see your photos and more.

How much does it cost?
Your professional mother and daughter photo shoot, including hair and makeup is just $440. This is a saving of $165 off the regular price of $605. If you just want your daughter’s photos taken, the price is still the same. I would encourage you to join her though as it won’t cost you any extra and you can both enjoy this truly wonderful experience together.
Print prices vary depending on the size and quantity. You can save when buying a package. I will go through all prices and package options with you when you make your booking.

How the photo shoot helped Brook - Customer's review
“I have struggled with my confidence and self image because of my chronic condition and have only recently learnt to be happy in my own skin. The 20 under 20 project has helped me so much!” – Brook (16 yo)

“My daughter who has suffered from low self esteem and low confidence due to a chronic condition. I wanted to treat my daughter to a photo shoot to show her how exceptional and beautiful she was inside and out. Brooke never wore makeup before the shoot so the transformation was staggering. My daughter now holds her head higher and walks with a new found confidence since the photo shoot. We could not be more thankful to Sumico for putting a smile on my daughters face and showing her what we all already knew. Sumico captured my daughters personality and inner beauty so beautifully and far exceeded our expectations. Thank you.” – Kathleen, Brook’s Mother
How to apply

As the project name suggests, it’s limited to the first 20 people under 20. That’s 20 daughters and however many Mums want to join them. Once I have 20 participants, there will be a wait list.
The best thing to do is contact me on 0425 261 729 or fill in the form below.

A little about me
I grew up in Fukuoka, Japan so life was very different there to what you would experience as a young person here. In my 20’s I worked as a flight attendant and in hospitality before moving to Australia where I landed a great job in tourism on the Gold Coast. Business studies then took me to Sydney where I met my wonderful husband.
From there I started and grew my web design business and we moved to Brisbane where I became a Mum to my darling son who is now 15. I discovered photography later in life and I now love creating beautiful portraits for people of all ages, especially women and their families.
I feel fortunate to have found my passion, what I want to do for the rest of my life. It’s such an honour to be a part of someone’s life – to capture special moments when they are truly shining. I look forward to meeting you and your daughter and capturing some moments together that you will treasure for life.